Thursday, July 1, 2010


Hey Everyone!
I hope you are all having a great day off (or looking forward to one tomorrow).
Kal and I made it through the month of June with our blogging and as soon as he is done his overtime, there is going to be many more cooking adventures and physical activities...and hopefully some of the job applications I submitted will come back with an interview or two so I can have some moolah and we can go do something exciting and fun to share with you!

I tallied my month of June walking on the Her Progress page and WOW - all those walks add up baby!! I'm hoping this month Kal and I can do more structured exercise stuff together. I dragged him outside for a walk and coffee Date Night last night. (We haven't had many dates, we just sort of met once and have been together ever since) ANYWAY, He sits at the computer all day at work and then comes home, tired, and sits on the computer there (and talks to me on msn :oP so I can't really complain) but we need to get out there more and get active!

Tonight is fireworks!!!! Because we couldn't be together for Victoria day fireworks, I want to try my best to put together something at least a little romantic despite my lack of planning and cashflow (I forgot everything is closed today!). I washed up my softest throw blankets and they are in the dryer with extra bounce sheets now. We are going to Harris Park so I wanted to take a picnic with us. I have whip cream, fresh strawberries and grapes; I'm going to cube some marble cheddar for crackers AND I even fished out what's left of my bottle of Caramel Baileys (not much left) to add to some homemade hot chocolate. (KAL IF YOU ARE READING THIS - DO NOT FINISH WHAT'S LEFT OF THE CHOCOLATE MILK...WE NEED IT BECAUSE I'M OUT OF WHITE MILK! lol) This should prevent us from overstuffing ourselves with whatever unplanned dinner we have and then help avoid whatever junk food is open tonight while we're out.

(FYI His desk isn't normally this messy! This was def a combo effort and a lazy weekend!)

In the 2.5 weeks we've been at this challenge to eat better and be more active, we've done pretty well compared to not doing anything at all. We've both lost just under 2 pounds each and even a couple inches. Slow and steady wins the race!  Kal  is even sharing his cookies now instead of us eating them all which is HUGE progress!! (everyone clap for Kal with a mouthful of cookie lol) I'M EVEN BACK IN MY "NORMAL" PEOPLE JEANS WITH MINIMAL MUFFIN TOP!!!! Normal = not bought at a plus sized store. They are from Bluenotes, size 36. I wore them last night and Kal said he didn't even recognize it was me walking down the street (He lies but I like it *wink*)

OK People! I think that's it! Fireworks at there or be square!
Weigh-in and measurements are tomorrow and of course CONFESSIONS on Sunday!

Talk soon!
Amanda Fudge