Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sinful Indulgence: Our Weekly Confessions (6/20/10)

I didn't do too badly this week! I stuck to my chocolate milk quota, but I did stray a couple of times with eating some candy.

Over this past week I had:
  • ~15 or so homemade small double chocolate chips (1500 calories)
  • 1 Starburst Original (220 calories)
  • Delicious ribs with sauce that was probably not so great for me (+400 calories)
  • ~14 Timbits .. in one sitting (980 calories)
For a grand total of  3100 calories. Pretty well a days worth of calories. Nice. On second thought, that isn't too great. This week will be better!

Dear blog, it's been 7 days since my last confession. Since the shared Candy's only been down hill. I am NOT counting the calories or fat - I don't want to know (Ignorance is bliss) This week will be better!

  • ICE CAPS - 5 in total (1 small, 3 medium, 1 large) - The large was a MISTAKE, but who am I to argue with the lovely ladies at Timothy Hortons????
  • COOKIES - in addition to about a bakers dozen (13) of homemade cookies, I also polished off a 350 gram box of PC Decadent Chocolate Chip cookies and 2 Tom Horton's Strawberry shortcake cookies
  • CHOCOLATE - 2 Reece Big Cup bars (In my defense, I shared the first one with my mom) and a Chunky Monkey alcoholic milkshake at TJ Baxters (also the supplier of Kal's ribs)
  • CARBS -an entire box of Kraft dinner to my self for lunch on Thursday and snacked an entire box of no name seasoned crackers (Well I didn't even notice how much I ate, I couldn't tear my eyes away from GLEE, god that show is so great!)
 Final thoughts - You don't realize how easy it is to get carried away until you become accountable and add it all up. .......a box of cookies or timbits later, and we're both a little wiser. Can't believe we both lost weight this week (check out our progress updates!!!) We think the consequences with perch and wait to spring on us next week after we've been good.