Kal and I have been so obsessed with watching Trueblood and having so much fun lately that we've neglected the blog a bit BUT good news!!
I lost 1.1 pounds this week!!! Putting me in the 220's for the first time in a LONG time!!!!. I'm 229.5!
and even bigger than that.....Kal lost over a Kilogram this week!!! YAY!!
We were both super clean eaters all week but went over a bit at Sunfest this weekend.
We shared an iced lemonade, we both had an ice cream cone from Marble Slap (1 fixin each). Mine was SOOOO good, strawberry icecream and gummy bears!!!!!! (kal had double dark chocolate with mint patties...mine was better ;oP) What else did we eat......Oh we ate a bunch of samples when we went grocery shopping, shared a Kit Kat Chunky bar AND we made these wicked awesome things called Arrowroot Squares (Kal's grandma's recipe) but I only had 1 peice!.....we'll see where the rest of the pan goes this week (KAL!) lol
Ok so Kal and I are going to try to give up some of our not so great snack food that we are always trying to eat in moderation but can sometimes get carried away. We are stepping away from snack crackers, chocolate chips and a few others and in exchange are going to try a few healthier chex mix type recipes but with whole grains, high fibre cereals, popcorn and pretzels. There are a TON of variations online but this week we are going to try 1 savory and 1 sweet type. We'll take pictures and slap up the recipes if they turn out. It seems a little expensive at face value to make it yourself at home but you get a TON, it lasts FOREVER in baggies/tupperware AND I have recently become a COUPON QUEEN. For 3 boxes of cereal, a bag of popcorn kernals, pretzels, peanuts and craisons (for the sweet mix)...it came to $19.03...so we'll see how it all turns out!

I think that's about it.
Today's Tid bit about Kal: He doesn't like horse movies. Not black beauty, not Seabiscuit....no matter how motivational or inspiring they may be and yes youa re allowed to hate him for it lol
We recently went to the theatre to see "How to train your dragon" and there was a preview for the movie "Secretariat" and everyone was in awe and the kids behind us were so excited and were all "I want to see that!" and Kal plainly and more loudly than intended says "I don't like horse movies"..the children went quiet..... Hilarious.
Perfect weight loss for the long haul! All the good things you did this past week, keep it going. Very few of us can truly eat high carb "junk" in moderation. Like can an alcoholic have drinks in moderation? So easy to rationalize and get carried away. Good job, Amanda, and don't forget the exercise part.