This isn't Kal but he's been busy and will be for the rest of the week so I'm just gonna slap it up for him before we both forget what we wanted to tell everyone.
I did alright I think. I listened when he spoke, I tried to not get frustrated or ahead of myself and I played by the rules. He beat me every game, my best score was losing 11-7 but it got me moving and I was sore for no joke - like 3 days after. Something I would play again but most likely won't because I am not forking out the $$$ for a gym membership - and neither are you Tanya! I bought a racket so maybe the odd day pass is in order. There are pictures of me dressed in my squash get-up posing like a tard but they are on his computer so they'll be added later I guess.
Kal has always had Saturday Pizza Night and I joined in on this weekly binge fest when we hooked up as a team. As an attempt to start cooking, cooking together and being more conscious of what is in our food....we decided to start making our own pizza. We've done it the past 2 Saturday's and it's pretty tastey if I don't say so myself. Kal always makes the main event and I do the breadsticks. We both have pizza experience (kal = Great Cdn Superstore hotcounter, Amanda = 241 Pizza, Pizza Pizza, the fast food list goes on). We buy most the ingredients fresh from the market. Some flour on our faces and a few squabbles over cheese distribution and we got ourselves a pizza.
Kal had a dream that he was being force fed Costco powdered donuts by his mother. Now this happened last week, shortly after the installment of confessions where he admitted to eating almost an entire box of tim bits. I laughed my ass off. Even his in subconscious lol.
4. MY G1
I'm going for my G1.....again. I got it a million years ago and it expired and I never really learned how to drive properly. So this is it. I picked up the MTO Driver's Handbook (Thanks Scott) and I've been reading. Some of these rules and things are just down right stupid but others make good hard sense. So we'll see how that goes. I'm announcing it so I have some follow through.
I think that is it. Nothing much new on my end - still feeling down. Eventually, it all has to come together right? I'm still working on my anger management techniques and I think they are working. learning how to let things go and doing a lot of breathing - I think it's been helping with my stress eating a bit too...but what do you when you're sad? Next week's confessions may or may not include me crying into a pie of somesort lol....but I haven't decided on a flavour yet.
Frank Grimes aka Amanda Fudge
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sinful Indulgence: Our Weekly Confessions (6/27/10)
Welcome to another installment of Sinful Indulgence.
This week I saw my sins from last week catch up with me. All is not lost; I still ended up with a net weight deficit of 0.6 lbs. Lets see how I did this week.
- 1 Small IceCap with milk (250)
- Strawberry Shortcake Cookie (240)
- Chocolate Digestive Cookies*8 (480)
- 1 Extra Beer (90)
- French Chocolate Pie (520) Delicious and totally worth it! Thanks mom!
- Half Small Cup of Marble Slab Icecream (200)
The week started out a bit rocky because my ex came to pick up the cat and I had bought him "travel junk food" as a thank you...that I ended up eating some (so most of this crap was all in one day) BUT I haven't had an iced capp all week!! (I am staying strong with my replacement beverage) After the mini binge -when I logged in on Tuesday and saw some of the comments...I decided to try harder this week ("reborn" if you will lol) I'm just doing the best to do the best I can.
- 1 small bag Doritos (260 calories)
- 1 shopsy's pepperoni (130 calories)
- 1 small pack Swedish Berries (230 calories)
- 600ml Bottle of Grape Crush pop (250 calories)
- 1 row Digestive cookies = 10 cookies (600 calories)
- 2 Strawberry Shortbread cookies (480 calories)
- Ate other half of Kal's ice cream (200 calories)
TERRIBLE but still MUCH better than last week!
Until next week Blog Father, I have confessed.
Friday, June 25, 2010
The art of weighing in...
(OK yes it's still Kal's turn...but he takes sooooo long and I have no life lol.)
I weighed myself this morning on the Wii. Now here's the place is being fumigated (nothing super gross just carpenter ants, house centipedes and most recent....earwigs *shudder*) so my scale at home is not available for me to weigh in on and I was forced to give up consistency for this week)
I actually weighed myself 3 times this morning just to get it right....before 8am I am pretty much useless :oP
Half asleep Amanda figures out Kal's complicated tv system and somehow magically gets the wii working (HOW MANY IMPUT MODES DO YOU NEED....SERIOUSLY?!?!?!). SO I follow the annoying instructional voice and weigh myself....105.5kg (232.5 pounds.....NOW I'm awake!) I'm thinking THIS IS BULLSHIT!! lol. Then I realize that the wii board is on the shaggy type area rug.
I move the board to hardwood floor, redo all the balance test stuff and then wait for it.......105kg (231.5 pounds!) NOW THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!!! but then I realize that no one is why am I weighing myself with clothes on? I'm not the naked type (almost a "nevernude" but I don't like jean cutoffs either lol), especially being naked in someone else's place...but hey...why not?
So I reboot the wii, get naked (in the middle of someone else's empty living room, 20 stories up in front of floor to ceiling windows), choose the third "clothing weight" option (+/-0.0kg) and ALAS......DRUMROLL PLEASE........104.75KG (230.9 pounds) HELLZ YEAH!
In conclusion....the walking, Tim Horton's switch up and better food choices this week have made the difference. I'm happy with my results so far; slow and steady wins the race. Juicy confessions this week....I think I may have beaten Kal though because I've been pretty good!!! Also, don't forget that measurement day is tomorrow!
Happy Friday!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
What's new?!?!
It's really Kal's turn and he has good stuff to tell you too!...but he's on the train right now so I'm just gonna give you a quick update!
I just wanted to announce:
I have successfully been able to replace my almost daily Medium Ice Cap with Iced Coffee.
It's been going well for three days now; I've transitioned nicely and already saved almost 750 calories.
I really am trying but I know if I go all gung-ho, I'll burn out like I've done every other time. The goal is slow sustainable change for the better.
Thanks for the comments and feedback guys (even when its stuff I don't want to hear but should) I am just happy the blog is being read and getting out there.
Today's Tid Bit about Kal: The term "OJ" referring to Orange Juice makes Kal uncomfortable ever since the OJ Simpson trial. No jokes. Ahhhh he is just so funny, even when he's not trying. Always makes me smile.
I just wanted to announce:
I have successfully been able to replace my almost daily Medium Ice Cap with Iced Coffee.
It's been going well for three days now; I've transitioned nicely and already saved almost 750 calories.
MED REG ICED CAP (My Vice) | MED ICED COFFEE (with Milk) | ||
Calories | 360 | vs. | 110 |
Fat | 15g | vs. | 1g |
Carbs | 48g | vs. | 22g |
Sugar | 47g | vs. | 13g |
Thanks for the comments and feedback guys (even when its stuff I don't want to hear but should) I am just happy the blog is being read and getting out there.
Today's Tid Bit about Kal: The term "OJ" referring to Orange Juice makes Kal uncomfortable ever since the OJ Simpson trial. No jokes. Ahhhh he is just so funny, even when he's not trying. Always makes me smile.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Sinful Indulgence: Our Weekly Confessions (6/20/10)
I didn't do too badly this week! I stuck to my chocolate milk quota, but I did stray a couple of times with eating some candy.
Over this past week I had:
Dear blog, it's been 7 days since my last confession. Since the shared Candy's only been down hill. I am NOT counting the calories or fat - I don't want to know (Ignorance is bliss) This week will be better!
I didn't do too badly this week! I stuck to my chocolate milk quota, but I did stray a couple of times with eating some candy.
Over this past week I had:
- ~15 or so homemade small double chocolate chips (1500 calories)
- 1 Starburst Original (220 calories)
- Delicious ribs with sauce that was probably not so great for me (+400 calories)
- ~14 Timbits .. in one sitting (980 calories)
Dear blog, it's been 7 days since my last confession. Since the shared Candy's only been down hill. I am NOT counting the calories or fat - I don't want to know (Ignorance is bliss) This week will be better!
- ICE CAPS - 5 in total (1 small, 3 medium, 1 large) - The large was a MISTAKE, but who am I to argue with the lovely ladies at Timothy Hortons????
- COOKIES - in addition to about a bakers dozen (13) of homemade cookies, I also polished off a 350 gram box of PC Decadent Chocolate Chip cookies and 2 Tom Horton's Strawberry shortcake cookies
- CHOCOLATE - 2 Reece Big Cup bars (In my defense, I shared the first one with my mom) and a Chunky Monkey alcoholic milkshake at TJ Baxters (also the supplier of Kal's ribs)
- CARBS -an entire box of Kraft dinner to my self for lunch on Thursday and snacked an entire box of no name seasoned crackers (Well I didn't even notice how much I ate, I couldn't tear my eyes away from GLEE, god that show is so great!)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Cooperatively Competitive
Amanda mentioned yesterday that she picked up a racket, goggles, and other squash gear from Sport Chek. Luckily for me, this isn't another attempt to burn my flesh in some exotic way. No, tomorrow Amanda is gearing up for her first squash match.
I've been pressuring her into taking this step ever since we've met. From the beginning of this year, I've been playing at least 1-2 games of squash a week with friends of mine from work. I love the sport, and wanted to bring Amanda along for the exercise.
What is squash?
Squash is a cousin sport to tennis. Instead of a huge outdoor court, you're put in a cubicle room. The rackets are lighter to carry, and the balls are made out of a lighter foam material. There are analogous rules about out of bounds, and proper serving, but I'm not going to focus on that part.
Why is it a good couple sport?
All the time at the gym, I see different pairs of couples playing squash together. To an outsider of the sport, it isn't immediately obvious why this would be over any other sport. Sure, there's the shared exercise aspect, but you can get that in other things too.
Squash is a great workout, a fun game, and a great couple sport.
Welcome to the world of squash. You're in for a hell of a ride.
I've been pressuring her into taking this step ever since we've met. From the beginning of this year, I've been playing at least 1-2 games of squash a week with friends of mine from work. I love the sport, and wanted to bring Amanda along for the exercise.
What is squash?
Squash is a cousin sport to tennis. Instead of a huge outdoor court, you're put in a cubicle room. The rackets are lighter to carry, and the balls are made out of a lighter foam material. There are analogous rules about out of bounds, and proper serving, but I'm not going to focus on that part.
Why is it a good couple sport?
All the time at the gym, I see different pairs of couples playing squash together. To an outsider of the sport, it isn't immediately obvious why this would be over any other sport. Sure, there's the shared exercise aspect, but you can get that in other things too.
- There are no inherit gender advantages to this sport. Most of your swinging is going to be done with your wrist, leaving men and women on equal playing grounds. Speed and agility are more important.
- Even when you're losing, you're still winning. If your skill is lower than the other player, then there is no doubt you're in for a great workout. I find that even when I'm badly losing, I don't notice that I'm getting a workout.
- You want the other person to succeed and become better. You become addicted to long rallies. Dominating the other player means that you don't work as hard and its not going to be satisfying. You will want to help each other to get better.
Squash is a great workout, a fun game, and a great couple sport.
Welcome to the world of squash. You're in for a hell of a ride.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Productive day after a lonely night
Hey everyone,
So it seems I'm going to be the main attraction on this thing lol...I tend to talk a lot and I like to share so i hope that's cool with everyone. There is a lot going on and nothing going on all at the same time - if that makes any sense.
I had an AWESOME Wal-mart run today. Found an alternative to vinegar to keep the ants out of my apartment (hopefully it works because I hate thinking about fish and chips everytime I enter my place). The smell triggers that thought in my head, just like when Kal hums the theme song to Sanford and Son (Bum bum buuuuun um, bum bum buuuuuun um bun um bun um) GOD I HATE THAT! It just gets stuck in there every time!.
I also bought a squash racket (racquet?) because Kal is supposed to teach me how to play this weekend. I am hoping those plans pan out, same with Toy Story 3 tomorrow night. We keep hitting bumps which sucks so early in the relationship but that's not that point of the blog so I'll just have to keep on trucking to the next subject. I can only be myself, even when that person isn't so pretty or motivated or happy all the time. The sun can't shine everyday (Good song by the way: "We're here for a good time" by Trooper)
I got a lead for a job at Old Navy, not exactly the type of job I was looking for BUT I love to fold stuff (make things look pretty) AND I'd save thousands with my employee discount based on how much I spend there annually. Minimum wage here we come!!! :) This also means that I would be able to have consistent exercise walking to the #31 bus for my shifts, another plus for my goals/objectives.
Ok I'm going to go watch one of the two channels my tv gets (well technically there are three...but the third is French so it doesn't count, come on...seriously...french? And what peeves me is that sometimes there are actually pretty good movies from the 90's on there but they dub over the english. lol Jerks.
oh and I updated my "Her Progress" page on the side to include a calendar of my exercise progress and stuff, check it out!
Today's Tid Bit about Kal - I'll keep these blog related so I don't end up crossing any lines BUT did you know that he DOESN'T like parmesan cheese on his spaghetti (or pasta in general). WTF right? The fattening stuff on top is one of the best parts! Well he's saving himself some calories so GOOD JOB BUBS! *high five*
So it seems I'm going to be the main attraction on this thing lol...I tend to talk a lot and I like to share so i hope that's cool with everyone. There is a lot going on and nothing going on all at the same time - if that makes any sense.
I had an AWESOME Wal-mart run today. Found an alternative to vinegar to keep the ants out of my apartment (hopefully it works because I hate thinking about fish and chips everytime I enter my place). The smell triggers that thought in my head, just like when Kal hums the theme song to Sanford and Son (Bum bum buuuuun um, bum bum buuuuuun um bun um bun um) GOD I HATE THAT! It just gets stuck in there every time!.
I also bought a squash racket (racquet?) because Kal is supposed to teach me how to play this weekend. I am hoping those plans pan out, same with Toy Story 3 tomorrow night. We keep hitting bumps which sucks so early in the relationship but that's not that point of the blog so I'll just have to keep on trucking to the next subject. I can only be myself, even when that person isn't so pretty or motivated or happy all the time. The sun can't shine everyday (Good song by the way: "We're here for a good time" by Trooper)
I got a lead for a job at Old Navy, not exactly the type of job I was looking for BUT I love to fold stuff (make things look pretty) AND I'd save thousands with my employee discount based on how much I spend there annually. Minimum wage here we come!!! :) This also means that I would be able to have consistent exercise walking to the #31 bus for my shifts, another plus for my goals/objectives.
Ok I'm going to go watch one of the two channels my tv gets (well technically there are three...but the third is French so it doesn't count, come on...seriously...french? And what peeves me is that sometimes there are actually pretty good movies from the 90's on there but they dub over the english. lol Jerks.
oh and I updated my "Her Progress" page on the side to include a calendar of my exercise progress and stuff, check it out!
Today's Tid Bit about Kal - I'll keep these blog related so I don't end up crossing any lines BUT did you know that he DOESN'T like parmesan cheese on his spaghetti (or pasta in general). WTF right? The fattening stuff on top is one of the best parts! Well he's saving himself some calories so GOOD JOB BUBS! *high five*
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My turn!!!
Good Morning!
You can tell who writes what because Kal and I have very different writing personalities. He writes like a science project and I write how I speak. SO you know just from the first lines that this post is ALLLLL MIIIINNE!
There is so much to tell you since my last post ...but where to start hrrmrmmm
Well it's come to my attention that I am allergic to the outside world. For some reason London makes me sneeze and my eyes itch and my throat/tongue to be itchy. It's weird because I've never had much of a problem with allergies before...except for, you know, the sun, some water, pineapple, banana (though I still eat them :oP) umm.....fabric softner, scented soaps...yes ...I was "one of those kids" lol.
The next big thing is Kal encountered his first "AMANDA HISSY FIT" ever and it was a good one too lol. I was making supper at his place and my potatoes overcooked in his oven (his tempermental oven that decides when it feels like working or not). Anyway, my baked sweet potato fries overcooked and I was trying to remake them but Kal kept cleaning up around me, behind me, in front of me and then decided to load the dishwasher in front of the counter I had the cutting board and potatoes and OMG I just wanted him out of the way but NO HINT could be grasped. I even accidently splattered him in the face with hot oil when I was checking to see if it was hot enough. Kitchen was NOT big enough for the two of us. I ended up getting really frustrated and venting it alllll out.......then instantly regretted it as soon as I saw his face. I felt sooo bad...especially when he gave me a back rub to "calm me down" (What did I do to deserve him?!?!?!). Dinner turned out pretty good though, we had marinated teriyaki beef kabobs with red/yellow peppers and onions with a side of sweet potato fries.
After kissing and making up, we baked cookies!! Three dozen chewy reverse chocolate chip cookies with reece chips. Not the healthiest snack but they were SOOOO good! In order to control ourselves, I told Kal to pack up the rest and take them to work to share but he said NO...seriously. If you work with you know that HE HAS COOKIES AND IS TOTALLY HOLDING OUT ON YOU!!!! Now, when it comes to drinking, I am a light weight (no joke and those of you who know me - know this very well lol) so when Kal and I shared a couple beer while waiting for the cookies to bake, I suddenly become super inebriated. I overlooked the fact that (beer + allergy meds) = Amanda dancing to the Beatles in the living room and Kal having to put her down on the couch for a nap. When he woke me up for bedtime - the kitchen was clean and the sheets on the bed were changed and made and it was just ....perfect <3
It is "girly week" on this end and I have had the worst chocolate/sweets consumption over the past 5 days than I think anyone ever has before in history....but I'll save that for our weekly confessions's going to be a doozey (*Maury Povich guest yelling at audience* " You don't knooooow me, don't be judging me"). I'm sure the scale has moved no where but up...but I have a goal dress to take pictures of and have been keeping track of all my walking!!! Stay tuned!
Talk soon!
Today's Tid Bit about Kal: He wears socks only for show. He doesn't care if they are full of holes (KAL if there is a hole in your sock it defeats the purpose of being a sock, just throw it out already! lol)
You can tell who writes what because Kal and I have very different writing personalities. He writes like a science project and I write how I speak. SO you know just from the first lines that this post is ALLLLL MIIIINNE!
There is so much to tell you since my last post ...but where to start hrrmrmmm
Well it's come to my attention that I am allergic to the outside world. For some reason London makes me sneeze and my eyes itch and my throat/tongue to be itchy. It's weird because I've never had much of a problem with allergies before...except for, you know, the sun, some water, pineapple, banana (though I still eat them :oP) umm.....fabric softner, scented soaps...yes ...I was "one of those kids" lol.
The next big thing is Kal encountered his first "AMANDA HISSY FIT" ever and it was a good one too lol. I was making supper at his place and my potatoes overcooked in his oven (his tempermental oven that decides when it feels like working or not). Anyway, my baked sweet potato fries overcooked and I was trying to remake them but Kal kept cleaning up around me, behind me, in front of me and then decided to load the dishwasher in front of the counter I had the cutting board and potatoes and OMG I just wanted him out of the way but NO HINT could be grasped. I even accidently splattered him in the face with hot oil when I was checking to see if it was hot enough. Kitchen was NOT big enough for the two of us. I ended up getting really frustrated and venting it alllll out.......then instantly regretted it as soon as I saw his face. I felt sooo bad...especially when he gave me a back rub to "calm me down" (What did I do to deserve him?!?!?!). Dinner turned out pretty good though, we had marinated teriyaki beef kabobs with red/yellow peppers and onions with a side of sweet potato fries.
After kissing and making up, we baked cookies!! Three dozen chewy reverse chocolate chip cookies with reece chips. Not the healthiest snack but they were SOOOO good! In order to control ourselves, I told Kal to pack up the rest and take them to work to share but he said NO...seriously. If you work with you know that HE HAS COOKIES AND IS TOTALLY HOLDING OUT ON YOU!!!! Now, when it comes to drinking, I am a light weight (no joke and those of you who know me - know this very well lol) so when Kal and I shared a couple beer while waiting for the cookies to bake, I suddenly become super inebriated. I overlooked the fact that (beer + allergy meds) = Amanda dancing to the Beatles in the living room and Kal having to put her down on the couch for a nap. When he woke me up for bedtime - the kitchen was clean and the sheets on the bed were changed and made and it was just ....perfect <3
It is "girly week" on this end and I have had the worst chocolate/sweets consumption over the past 5 days than I think anyone ever has before in history....but I'll save that for our weekly confessions's going to be a doozey (*Maury Povich guest yelling at audience* " You don't knooooow me, don't be judging me"). I'm sure the scale has moved no where but up...but I have a goal dress to take pictures of and have been keeping track of all my walking!!! Stay tuned!
Talk soon!
Today's Tid Bit about Kal: He wears socks only for show. He doesn't care if they are full of holes (KAL if there is a hole in your sock it defeats the purpose of being a sock, just throw it out already! lol)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Section Overviews
On the side of the blog, under the "Pages" header, there is a list of bullet points for the different sections in the blog. About Us is about me & Amanda, short summary of how we met and who we are. The Objectives section lists why we're doing this. Perhaps the reasons are the same as yours? His/Her Progress lists how far we've gotten since the starting point of this blog (June 13). We're tracking our stats weekly so that we can see all of our physical changes in a more objective form. Finally, the Recipes for Success section is about lighter recipes that we've tried and loved. Check those out because there's some good food that's going to go here.
Rather than focus on just recipes, or just weight, or any one single thing, we'd like to show a more personal blog. Something that our readers can see where we've been and hopefully learn from.
Rather than focus on just recipes, or just weight, or any one single thing, we'd like to show a more personal blog. Something that our readers can see where we've been and hopefully learn from.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Amanda's first entry
Dear Worldwide Diary,
OK so it's like 10am and I'm just hanging out on the computer (eating mixed nuts). Kal let me sleep in at his place after he left for work - trusted me enough with his spare key and to be alone with all his things....including everything in his cupboards. This kid isn't so well stocked on snack foods but has a lot of yummy ingredients like coconut, chocolate chips, nuts, and his mom loaded him up with like a MILLION packets of Carnation Instant breakfast. I have never seen as many packages except for the shelf in the store in which they sell them lol Anyway, he has left his key with me a few times before. I feel he doesn't think much of it, but it girl world - it's huge. It's nice to know he trusts me, especially since we haven't known each other in person all that long (month and a bit). To me, for some reason, it feels like I've known him for a long time.
I am super unemployed at the moment. I honestly haven't been without work and school at the same time in....since I was 16 and I got my first job at Dirty Bird (KFC). I don't quite know what's going on with me, but I apply to a lot of things; I've had some interviews but to no avail. I'm 24 years old - I've graduated highschool, I have a college diploma, I have a university degree......and I'm willing to ask how much cream you want in your coffee....but no takers lol. I always complained about having no time to do anything...and now I have way too much time on my hands lol. Poor Kal having to entertain me and keep my confidence from crumbling.
We've been cooking together more lately and I think its bringing us closer. We are finding out what each other likes and doesn't like.....which means Kal finds out what I don't like and then challenges me to eat it again (or try it for the first time). Last night it was Salmon and before last night I thought it was one of the most disgusting things on the planet. I used to work in a retirement home kitchen and one of my food prep jobs was to de-bone/de-skin canned salmon for salmon salad sandwiches and it grossed me out. The whole kitchen would smell like fish. My mom ate the canned stuff growing up until my father banned it from the house in his presence. Last night Kalon W challenged me to face Salmon once again. For the first time in front of it, I opened my mouth and complaining didn't come out - the fish went in. IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!! It was so good that I didn't even care that the clean plate and smile on my face meant Kal had full opportunity to say "I told you so".......but he didn't. I am so lucky to have a man (more gracious than myself) to politely say "I'm glad you liked it, it's one of my favourites too". I'll get him to put the recipe in our "Recipes for Success" sections so everyone else can try it too. [EDIT: Recipe Available]
Have a great day everyone!
Amanda F.
Today's tid bit about Kal - he hates the taste of water. He always mixes some kind of flavour in before he drinks it :oP
OK so it's like 10am and I'm just hanging out on the computer (eating mixed nuts). Kal let me sleep in at his place after he left for work - trusted me enough with his spare key and to be alone with all his things....including everything in his cupboards. This kid isn't so well stocked on snack foods but has a lot of yummy ingredients like coconut, chocolate chips, nuts, and his mom loaded him up with like a MILLION packets of Carnation Instant breakfast. I have never seen as many packages except for the shelf in the store in which they sell them lol Anyway, he has left his key with me a few times before. I feel he doesn't think much of it, but it girl world - it's huge. It's nice to know he trusts me, especially since we haven't known each other in person all that long (month and a bit). To me, for some reason, it feels like I've known him for a long time.
I am super unemployed at the moment. I honestly haven't been without work and school at the same time in....since I was 16 and I got my first job at Dirty Bird (KFC). I don't quite know what's going on with me, but I apply to a lot of things; I've had some interviews but to no avail. I'm 24 years old - I've graduated highschool, I have a college diploma, I have a university degree......and I'm willing to ask how much cream you want in your coffee....but no takers lol. I always complained about having no time to do anything...and now I have way too much time on my hands lol. Poor Kal having to entertain me and keep my confidence from crumbling.
We've been cooking together more lately and I think its bringing us closer. We are finding out what each other likes and doesn't like.....which means Kal finds out what I don't like and then challenges me to eat it again (or try it for the first time). Last night it was Salmon and before last night I thought it was one of the most disgusting things on the planet. I used to work in a retirement home kitchen and one of my food prep jobs was to de-bone/de-skin canned salmon for salmon salad sandwiches and it grossed me out. The whole kitchen would smell like fish. My mom ate the canned stuff growing up until my father banned it from the house in his presence. Last night Kalon W challenged me to face Salmon once again. For the first time in front of it, I opened my mouth and complaining didn't come out - the fish went in. IT WAS DELICIOUS!!!!!!!! It was so good that I didn't even care that the clean plate and smile on my face meant Kal had full opportunity to say "I told you so".......but he didn't. I am so lucky to have a man (more gracious than myself) to politely say "I'm glad you liked it, it's one of my favourites too". I'll get him to put the recipe in our "Recipes for Success" sections so everyone else can try it too. [EDIT: Recipe Available]
Have a great day everyone!
Amanda F.
Today's tid bit about Kal - he hates the taste of water. He always mixes some kind of flavour in before he drinks it :oP
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Sinful Indulgence: Our Weekly Confessions (6/13/10)
What is Sinful Indulgence?
This is the section where we confess to our greatest dietary sins for the week. This includes not only what we admit to....but what and when our partner catches us cheating. We realize that we won't be able to stick to the diet 100%, but hope that this section will keep us honest with each other and ourselves. We consider our overall goal to be a change in lifestyle rather than a temporary diet.
Our first real submission will be next week since we had not technically committed to anything before this point in time (post written while eating a candy kabob).
This is the section where we confess to our greatest dietary sins for the week. This includes not only what we admit to....but what and when our partner catches us cheating. We realize that we won't be able to stick to the diet 100%, but hope that this section will keep us honest with each other and ourselves. We consider our overall goal to be a change in lifestyle rather than a temporary diet.
Our first real submission will be next week since we had not technically committed to anything before this point in time (post written while eating a candy kabob).
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